Internarionalizaiton & International Exchanges


Organization Chart for Institute for Global Engagement

Institute for Global Engagement (IGE)

The Institute for Global Engagement aims to create a virtuous cycle of future creation through international exchange activities by building a global management system based on regional co-creation, further internationalizing education and research at the University, promoting student mobility, and developing human resources with global leadership skills. The Institute is mainly responsible for the following matters:

Department of Global Networking
  • Planning and implementation of policies and measures related to the internationalization of the University
  • Promotion of international exchange in education and research
  • Global human resources development
  • Recruitment of international students
Department of Regional Alliance
  • Planning and implementation of policies and measures related to regional cooperation that contribute to internationalization
  • The University of Fukui Alumni Society
  • Support for international students in their studies and daily life
  • Career education and domestic employment of international students
  • Support for regional internationalization and promotion of multicultural society

Center for Global Education and Research (GER)

The Center for Global Education and Research aims to contribute to the achievement of the educational goals of the University by enhancing language education and global leadership education in cooperation and collaboration with the Schools and other related education and research centers/facilities within the University. The Center is also committed to promote research and development of human resources who can continue to think together toward a society where diversity is respected. The center is mainly responsible for the following matters:

Department of English Education
  • Implementation and Promotion of English Language Education
  • Research to improve the quality of language education
  • Improvement of learning environment for language education
Department of Japanese Language Education
  • Implementation and Promotion of Japanese Language Education
  • Research to improve the quality of language education
  • Improvement of learning environment for language education
Department of UF-GLP
  • Research and implementation of global leadership education
  • Establishment and operation of the University of Fukui Global Leadership Program (UF-GLP)
  • Cultivation of students’ sense of belonging to the University and the region

International Affairs Division

Sharing the mission of the Institute for Global Engagement, the International Affairs Division handles general administrative work related to the Institute as well as support for promoting international exchanges such as hosting international researchers, conclusion of academic exchange agreements with overseas institutions, sending students abroad, hosting international students, and assistance for students and faculty involved in these matters.


Bunkyo Campus

3-9-1 Bunkyo, Fukui-shi, Fukui 910-8507, Japan
Tel: +81-776-23-0500

Matsuoka Campus

23-3 Matsuoka-Shimoaizuki, Eiheiji-cho, Yoshida-gun, Fukui 910-1193, Japan
Tel: +81-776-61-3111

Contact Information

Institute for Global Engagement

Director (Vice President for International Affairs)
Prof. NAGAI, Niro
Deputy Director Prof. NAGAI, Takahiro
Head of Department of Global Networking

(Promote international exchange, global human resource development, and recruitment of international students)
Prof. SHIMADA, Kazuhisa
Head of Department of Regional Alliance

(Offer advice on student life and job-hunting for international students/Promote activities for international exchange and Alumni Society)
Prof. TORAO, Yoshinobu EMAIL:
TEL/FAX: +81-776-27-8903

International Affairs Division

Bunkyo Campus

FAX: +81-776-27-9715

Institute for Global Engagement
Academic exchange agreements
Support for international researchers
Group EMAIL:
TEL: +81-776-27-8599
Support for international students Group EMAIL:
TEL: +81-776-27-8406
Support for students studying abroad Group EMAIL:
TEL: +81-776-27-8404 / 8405

Matsuoka Campus

TEL: +81-776-61-8849
FAX: +81-776-61-8163

Support for international researchers Group EMAIL:
Support for international students Group EMAIL:
Support for students studying abroad Group EMAIL: